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love child (pl. love-ren) 私生子。

love feast

Make - believe and magic stimulate a child s imagination and creativity , and children s stories foster personal growth and development , making fairy tales an important part of our growing years . one of the world s best - loved children s storytellers is hans christian andersen , who was born in denmark on 2 april 1805 似真還假、神奇魔幻的事物總能激發兒童的想像力和創意。閱讀童話故事,有助兒童身心發展,健康成長,所以說童話是我們成長歲月的良朋。丹麥童話大師漢斯

Peter pan - the pan asia tour get set for fantastic family fun with this retelling of the adventures of one of the world s best - loved children s heroes , peter pan . the despicable captain hook is up to his usual tricks and only peter and his lost boys can defy his grim pirate gang 充滿想像力的大型場景,加上活力充沛的歌曲及動感十足的舞步,將會把您帶到神奇的夢幻島,與小飛俠一同踏上歷險之旅,并與可惡的克勾船長及一眾海盜展開連場激斗。

Like archangel gabriel at the annunciation and like the army of angels that night in the sky of bethlehem , we bring a good news when we evangelize , the good news is that jesus wants to be born in everybody s heart and make everybody god s loved child 我們福傳時也就擔任著天使一般的使命:把一個大喜訊傳給所有的人:天主選了所有的人做?的兒女,天主要和每個人做朋友,天主渴望誕生在每個人的心中。

Western story elements are uniquely integrated with traditional chinese paper - cutting techniques . our fairy tale stamps are a fitting tribute to one of the world s best - loved children s storytellers in the bicentenary year of his birth 安徒生童話兒童郵票(郵票設計糅合西方故事主題和中國傳統剪紙藝術,紀念童話大師誕生二百周年,并表揚他的貢獻。

After tea , jk rowling will read from harry potter and the half - blood prince , before a show is staged starring dozens of the best - loved children ' s characters , which will be broadcast live by the bbc 期間,哈利波特的作者jk羅琳還將為孩子們朗讀哈利波特和混血王子中的部分內容。

We make those investments in hopes of a big return : a well - adjusted and loving child . or , even better , a well - adjusted and loving child who also happens to be a genius 我們做出這些犧牲就是為了一個重要的回報:一個適應性強的可愛孩子。要是這個孩子還碰巧是一個天才,那就是錦上添花了。

Our country also needs citizens working to rebuild our communities . we need mentors to love children , especially children whose parents are in prison 我國還需要為重建我們的社區而工作的公民。我們需要良師關愛孩子,特別是對那些父母還在監獄中的孩子。

We need mentors to love children , especially children whose parents are in prison , and we need more talented teachers in troubled schools 我們需要導師來愛護孩子,特別是那些父母還在監獄中的孩子,我們需要更多素質精良的老師前往有困難的學校執教。

In a dreamy state , master s image appeared to her . she saw master smile at her kindly and tell her , “ you have given birth to a loving child . 蒙?中師父的影像浮現,她看見師父慈藹的面孔對她笑,并告訴她:你生下了一個可愛的孩子。

We are founded by a team of graduates from stanford university and the university of new south wales , who loves children and is passionate about education 我們由一班史丹福大學及新南威爾斯大學畢業生所組成,我們愛小孩亦愛教育。

To a mother or father watching a loved child die in their arms from hunger , the rice you donate is more precious than anything in the world 對看著心愛的孩子在懷中挨餓的父母來說,你捐贈的大米比世界上的任何東西都珍貴。

I love children very much . i can stay with them for twenty - four hours a day . i ' m patient with them . they ' re angels to me 我非常喜愛小朋友。我可以跟他們一天二十四小時待在一起。我對小朋友很有耐心。他們對我來講是天使。

And if you love children , come back here week after week , fabulous thousands of kids are loved by christ through this ministry . its wonderful 若你愛孩童,每周到這里來,數千名孩子藉這事工經歷基督的愛,十分美好。

It is natural for parents to love children ; but i am not at all sure it is instinctive for children to love their parents 疼愛子女是父母天職(野心勃勃的巴提柯羅奇除外) ,但子女會不會一定孝順父母?

To timothy , my well - loved child : grace , mercy , peace , from god the father and christ jesus our lord 2寫信給我親愛的兒子提摩太愿恩惠憐憫平安、從父神和我們主基督耶穌、歸與你。

Christian , faith , hope and love children s home for orphans , and subsidize education fees for children 屏束財團法人屏東縣私立基督教信望愛育幼院孤兒及國中以下補助教育費350 , 000

“ i talked from my heart and i meant it . then god said , “ they love children , tell them carol s story . 我很認真的講,我從心里講,然后神說:他們愛孩童,跟他們講嘉露的故事。

“ she doesn ' t think she ' s better and cleverer than everyone else . she is a very kind and loving child . “她不認為她比別的孩子更好、更聰明,她是一個非常善良可愛的小孩子。 ”

The love child was the result of an affair between briggs and her dance instructor , godfrey moorhen , in 1957 該愛嬰是碧歌斯與她的舞蹈老師葛菲?摩亨在1957年的愛情結晶。